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EisBaer Training program 2025 - Alexander Maier GmbH

Information about our EisBaer training courses, dates and booking options

- EisBaer basic and / or advanced courses
- DALI introduction courses
- BACnet introduction courses
- Dynamic Charge Management (DLM) introduction courses
- Modbus introdution courses

Status: 11/2024

4127 Hits
pasted:08.05.2018   |   Updated:08.11.2024   |   Size: (2.96 MB)
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Net Price list CrossEndCustomer 07/2024 - Alexander Maier GmbH

EisBaer SCADA Project licenses, EisBaer SCADA USB-Dongle, EisBaer HI-Server 3.5 - 3.9 - 5.0, EisBaer EisTouch 5G, EisTouch 4G, EisTouch 3G, M-Bus Gateways, DMX-Gateways...

Stand: 07/2024

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pasted:01.02.2016   |   Updated:30.07.2024   |   Size: (242.38 KB)
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Gross Price list End Customer 07/2024 - Alexander Maier GmbH

EisBaer SCADA Project licenses, EisBaer SCADA USB-Dongle, EisBaer HI-Server 3.5 - 3.9 - 5.0, EisBaer EisTouch 5G, EisTouch 4G, EisTouch 3G, M-Bus Gateways, DMX-Gateways...

Stand: 07/2024

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pasted:03.02.2023   |   Updated:30.07.2024   |   Size: (241.14 KB)
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EIB/KNX/EisBaer Reference

References with EIB/KNX/EisBaer-Projects

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pasted:01.02.2016   |   Updated:18.01.2019   |   Size: (17.85 KB)
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EisBaer Software - Smarter World
Alexander Maier GmbH


Our vision - EisBaer software connects people and technology.

In the „Babylon of systems“, EisBaer software creates the link between different automation technologies and protocols, the IoT world and people. With it´s simple, intuitive handling, the
high flexibility and adaptability, EisBaer software will change the way people interact with their smart homes / buildings.

We create cognitive buildings that are able to autonomously learn system and user behaviour to optimize performance and adapt to changing conditions.


11423 Hits
pasted:24.07.2020   |   Updated:24.07.2020   |   Size: (10.6 MB)
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EisBaer HMS
KNX Home Energy Management with EisBaer

Home Energy Management System (HEMS) controls the interaction of energy consumers with KNX.

The EisBaer Home Energy Management System (HEMS) provides a KNX solution to efficiently generate, store and use energy. The HEMS controls the distribution of the own produced electricity. All producers (e.g. the photovoltaic system) and consumers (heat pump, electric car, solar power storage, household appliances, etc.) are coordinated by the intelligent KNX technology in a way that minimizes electricity costs and increases independence from the energy supplier.

By efficiently sharing the available energy, HEMS enables a comfortable lifestyle with energy generation, storage and automatic energy saving.

4958 Hits
pasted:07.05.2021   |   Updated:11.06.2021   |   Size: (713.51 KB)
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EisBaer SCADA - Dynamic Load Management (DLM)
Dynamic Load Management with EisBaer SCADA - Making simultaneous Electric Vehicle (EV) charging easier, faster and cheaper.

EV drivers want to charge their vehicles faster, especially in public and semi-public spaces, while charging service providers want to reduce their costs. To facilitate these demands EisBaer SCADA have developed a software system that will meet the needs of both consumer and provider. It’s groundbreaking Dynamic Load Management (DLM) offers smarter charging controls as well as a seamless integration into any new or existing building automation system.

With EisBaer SCADA’s DLM, more EV’s can be charged simultaneously and in less time, whilst still using the available power more efficiently, as well as balancing the load amongst the EV charger. This software also manages the usage of loads, eliminating any unnecessary need for costly installation upgrades. The consumer can monitor their energy consumption, all completely independent of the vehicle manufacturer.

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pasted:01.02.2016   |   Updated:24.11.2022   |   Size: (1.08 MB)
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Specification text (DOCX) - 2024/07

Specification text - Alexander Maier GmbH

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General Terms and Conditions (T&C's)
Alexander Maier GmbH, Eberbach

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Neue Synagoge Berlin
Bewährte Kombination - KNX und DALI

Die „Neue Synagoge“ an der Oranienburger Straße in der Spandauer Vorstadt im Ortsteil Mitte (gleichnamiger Bezirk Mitte) von Berlin ist ein Gebäude von herausragender Bedeutung für die Geschichte der Juden in Berlin und ein wichtiges Baudenkmal. Sie wurde 1866 eingeweiht. Der noch vorhandene Teil des Bauwerks steht unter Denkmalschutz und wurde nach der Restaurierung im Jahr 1995 wieder eröffnet, jedoch nicht wieder eingeweiht. Die Architekten waren Eduard Knoblauch und Friedrich August Stüler. In Anknüpfung an die Tradition versteht sich die Stiftung „Neue Synagoge Berlin – Centrum Judaicum“ als Bindeglied zwischen Vergangenheit und Zukunft und beherbergt eine Ausstellung. Die Räumlichkeiten sollten mit zeitgemäßer Technik ausgestattet werden. Das bedeutete in diesem Fall, dass die Lichtanlage komplett erneuert werden musste.

Die Visualisierung dafür wurde erfolgreichmit der flexiblen und vielfältigen EisBär Software der Alexander Maier GmbH umgesetzt und somit ist das historische Gebäude gut für zukünftige Anforderungen gewappnet. Für jede Leuchte in den einzelnen Ausstellungsräumen gibt es die Möglichkeit, diese einzeln anzusteuern. Der technische Leiter und die Museumstechniker (Beleuchter) können über eine App für mobile Endgeräte gewünschte Einstellungen zur Wartung und den täglichen Betrieb vornehmen und diese auch abspeichern.

Der komplette Bericht lässt sich als PDF herunterladen.


Dipl.-Ing. Marco Koyne
Koyne-System-Elektronik | intelligentes Wohnen, Berlin

(c) bussysteme, Berlin - 27. Jahrgang/2020-Heft 3

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pasted:12.10.2020   |   Updated:12.10.2020   |   Size: (228.39 KB)
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Sparkasse Hannover
Future-proof with extensive functionalities

The task was to revitalize an old building that had no modern equipment. That means gutting down to the scaffolding and then a modern building complex will be created - the implementation of the Sparkasse Hannover project.

The visualization is done with the EisBaer SCADA software. It monitors the KNX connections to each individual floor in the towers and visualizes defective lamps / ballasts and the switching status of the DALI lighting. It enables the open windows and the height of the blinds to be displayed. The operation of the window cleaning function for the different facade areas is also controlled via the visualization.


Dieter Koch
KE-Elektro building system technology, Lehrte

(C) bussysteme, Berlin - 27th volume / 2020 Magazin 2

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pasted:21.04.2020   |   Updated:21.04.2020   |   Size: (723.99 KB)
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Unique and trendsetting event center
Modernisation measures in Congress Palais Kassel

The client TSK Tagungszentrum Stadthalle Kassel GmbH has consulted competent partners so that the majestic atmosphere that generates foyers and halls can also be used effectively. The planning office for technical building equipment Bein & Daume GbR have ensured that visitors can enjoy the historic ambience with state-of-the-art technology and excellent comfort.

(C) bussysteme, Berlin - 24. Jahrgang/2017-Heft 2

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pasted:18.10.2017   |   Updated:08.11.2017   |   Size: (171.95 KB)
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Even the most efficient construction and plant technology has virtually no influence on the energy demand caused by the use of a building. The smallest unit here is certainly every single room. An energy efficient
Room automation offers high savings potential.


Author: Dietmar Half, Deutsches Institut für Angewandte Lichttechnik GmbH (DIAL) / 08.09.2013

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pasted:17.11.2017   |   Updated:27.11.2017   |   Size: (211.55 KB)
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RMA Form

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Sample - Withdrawal form

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